Driver Services

Manufacturer Recall

If your Day’s Fleet vehicle is subject to a manufacturer recall we will notify you in writing as soon as we are made aware.   

Recalls are a regular occurrence and happen when either the manufacturer or the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) find a potential issue with a vehicle. The vast majority of recalls are preventative measures and are implemented to avoid any potential issues in the future.

It is essential that all recalls are completed as quickly as possible:

If you have a maintenance contract:

  • Please book the vehicle in by clicking the button below
  • Day’s Fleet will then have full visibility of the booking and can assist with any queries

If you have a non-maintenance contract:

  • Please book the vehicle in at the nearest main dealer
  • Please confirm that the vehicle recall has been completed by clicking below

Please remember that vehicles cannot be de-fleeted and will remain on contract if there are any outstanding recalls at the end of the contract period.

If you have any questions on vehicle recalls please contact our team on 01792 277641 / [email protected]