Driver Services

Electric Vehicle Charging Points

Smart charging solutions

A cost-effective and convenient method of EV charging

With ‘plug-in’ Electric Vehicles (EVs) becoming a common sight on UK roads, Day’s Fleet can help clients with a cost-effective and safe method of EV charging whether at home or at the workplace.

We have partnered with Pod Point to offer drivers a cost-effective solution to allow them to get the most out of their electric vehicles.

The ‘Solo’ charge system is ideal for domestic installations and single charging in car parks. Alternatively, a ‘Twin charge’ post is also available and suited for multiple charging in car parks and offices.

Due to our partnership, we have negotiated a competitive rate for our clients and can help facilitate:

  • The supply and installation of charging unit(s)
  • Automatic employee expenses upload which provides charge usage information
  • Free online accounts to monitor electrical usage and CO2 emissions

Clients are eligible for these exclusive, preferential rates when we pass on your details to Pod Point.

  • Approved by major electric vehicle manufacturers
  • Safe to use with multiple safety cut-outs
  • The charger includes the right connector for your vehicle on a tethered lead
  • Can be locked in place to prevent unauthorised unplugging of the charger

For more information, please contact our team on 0345 815 0019 or email [email protected]